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World Vs Plastic Soltution

World Vs Plastic Massive Transformative Purpose

Unite the World to EMPOWER the Plastic Circular Economy.

A quote from the World Economic Forum:

"Transform and strengthen markets for recycled plastics, for example, by introducing and scaling up matchmaking mechanisms, for example using aggregator software or platforms to include companies not yet participating on both sides of the recycled plastics market – that is, smaller reprocessing companies and companies that source recycled content at the small- to medium scale; by allowing for more granular and standardised material specifications and better matching of supply and demand; and by strengthening demand for recycled content through industry commitments and/or policy."

Take away recommendation:

  • Use matchmaking mechanisms

    • Aggregator software
    • Platforms
  • Include companies of all sizes to participate in the plastic circular economy.

    • Smaller reprocessing companies and companies that source recycled content at the small- to medium scale
  • Create a more granular and standardised material specifications and better matching of supply and demand

    • Helping businesses understand and share what they have and what they are looking for inorder to better connect actors in the value chain and increase value for all.
  • Strengthen demand for recycled content through

    • Industry commitments
    • Governmental policy
    • Community engagement

World Vs Plastic Platform initiative goals:

Connect and align:

  • We begin our focus on the plastic waste management industry; the WVP platform will provide the marketplace to connect everyone involved in the plastic value chain, building synergy between all parties and aligning recycling efforts.
  • Meanwhile, we rally communities around the world by sharing knowledge, raising awareness, and initiating local endeavors focused on making a change NOW!

Building a data driven ecosystem:

  • The outcome creates a stable market place with increased reliability of demand data to shape global supply and encourage and facilitate trade. The availability of a standardized recycled plastic marketplace will lead to increased supply chain efficiencies, resulting in more plastic waste getting into the hands of processors for recycling.
  • Communities are organizing, taking action and tracking their efforts with the WVP community app. Sustainable change starts at home and locally.

Ecosystem Evolved:

  • With an explicitly systemic and collaborative approach, the New Plastics Economy aims to overcome the limitations of today’s incremental improvements and fragmented initiatives, to create a shared sense of direction, to spark a wave of innovation and to move the plastics value chain into a positive spiral of value capture, stronger economics, and better environmental outcomes.
  • Local communities will shift their mind set from plastic being waste, to plastic providing and abundant resource from which to gain value.

Increase Demand for recycled plastics:

  • Engaging community, industry, and government through digital interface and lowering the bar of entry to plastic consciousness will lead to a higher demand in recycled plastic.
  • Increased product and lowered price points leads to the use of recycled plastic (PCR) becoming more attractive to plastic product producers.
  • The increase in use of recycled plastic will cause a decrease in new plastic creation, the use of resources to make it, and the amount of plastic waste entering our fragile ecosystem.